Pulsic Announces New Lyric Analog Product for Dedicated Analog/Analog RF Design
Pulsic opens interface to front-end companies to offer complete analog solution
Design Automation Conference, San Diego, CA – 7 June 2004 – Pulsic Limited, the EDA company that delivers shape-based, IC physical design solutions for analog, mixed-signal and custom digital designs, today announced a new product, Lyric AnalogT, aimed at the specialist analog and analog RF market.
Lyric Analog is a sub-set of the advanced Lyric Physical Design FrameworkT specifically developed to meet the exacting needs of pure analog and analog/RF designs. This new module will initially include interactive and semi-automatic transistor placement, fully automatic and interactive routing and signal integrity.
Commenting on the new product, Mark Williams, Founder and COO at Pulsic said, “There are an increasingly large number of designs in the pure analog and RF space, where the customers are looking for a more affordable solution. These designs are relatively small in capacity but need to consider a distinct set of design criteria, such as matched and shielded differential signals, resistance and capacitance constrained paths and current densities.”
Currently all of the established EDA and start-up companies providing tools for the analog and analog RF market have focussed on the front-end of the design flow, where tools typically handle design capture, circuit simulation, and device generation. To date there has been little attention given to the time-consuming task of laying out the devices and creating the interconnect to address and satisfy all the rules and constraints.
“This is the driving force behind our decision to market the Lyric Analog toolset and link the front-end with our back-end tools,” said Williams. “We will be issuing the interface into our framework which can then be deployed via online registration at www.pulsic.com. This will allow any company offering a front-end solution to quickly build an interface to our physical place and route system and provide a more advanced, comprehensive solution to customers.”
“Users can then consider implementing Pulsic’s Lyric back-end solution to round out the design flow. This is particularly important when it comes to the next stage of incorporating the analog design into mixed-signal blocks,” Williams added.
Pricing & Availability
The Lyric Physical Design Framework is shipping in July 2004 on Solaris 2.5.1-8.0 (32 and 64 bit), HPUX 11.0, NT4/2000/XP and Linux 2.2.X-2.4.X. Pricing starts at approximately US$31,000 per year for the floorplanning and topological control modules and US$46,000 per year for the full automatic placement module, based on a single floating time-based license.