Accelerate analog circuit design quality with fast physical feedback

Fast layout previews with Animate Preview help you to make better design decisions in less time

Early layout feedback from your schematic

Animate Preview shows you the physical effects of your design decisions in seconds.

Animate Preview obeys DRC and process rules to give you an early and accurate layout preview of your circuit that is automatically created and updated as you edit the schematic.

Layout preview from schematic

Optimize your design for layout 

Animate Preview uses the parameters in your schematic and considers multiple layout topologies to create layout previews with the best possible packing.

Animate Preview helps you to explore device parameters – width, m-factor, and the number of fingers to achieve optimum device packing and layout area.

“Animate provided excellent results equal to using traditional approaches but in far less time”

Stretch Young Layout Director at Silicon Laboratories

Accelerate your circuit design

Reduce time taken to post-layout simulation up to 60%, with an initial layout from Animate Preview Plus.

Analyze the layout dependent effects of your circuit in less time, sooner in the design flow.

Easily transfer your design intent

Reduce design iterations between circuit engineers and layout using an initial layout from Animate Preview.

Clearly show the layout designer how the layout should look and what is important.

Pick the version that is right for you

All Animate products feature Pulsic’s polymorphic layout technology
  • Recognition of analog structures
  • Physical preview from schematic
  • DRC clean layout
  • Schematic cross-probing
  • Layout area report
  • Enlarged layout preview
  • Automatic updates
  • Matched layout patterns
  • Drag-n-drop editing

Animate Preview

  • Save black-box view to OA
  • Pins
  • Design outline
  • Online support
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Animate Preview Plus

  • Save black-box view to OA
  • Save initial layout to OA
  • Pins
  • Design outline
  • Schematic driven layout
  • Device/pCell placement
  • Well shapes and guard rings
  • Poly contacts
  • Enterprise priority support
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